
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekend Meditation: Whispers of Hope

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My women's small group has decided to use Beth Moore's Whispers of Hope book to study prayer.  There are few disciplines that I think are more important...or more challenging.  Prayer is our direct connection to God.  It is one of the ways we learn to understand the mind of God and to discern scripture, and one way we experience his presence.  Through this study, I hope to understand better God's purpose and provision through prayer. 

As I flipped through the book, I came to this scripture, "Like clay in the hands of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel." Jeremiah 18:6

I want to be like clay in His hands.  I know that I can't change the broken and bent places in me.  I can't change my mind from thinking about things wrong or my behavior from doing things that are not God's will for me, but when I yield myself to His hands, to His Word and His Spirit, He can change me.  I need it.  I'm so grateful for the hope that is in God's work in me through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Praying for all who read this post today.  Be healthy!

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