In the midst of this pondering, I look for ways to help. What can I do? I'm one person. Not a politician, a leader, famous. Here are some organizations that are helping and I can help them. So can you:

The global scale of this issue also leads me to a meditation about heaven. Many years ago, God blessed me with the opportunity to go to Burkina Faso to tell others about Him. I was a young believer and it was really the only time I'd been to a third-world country. My eyes were opened and my world was forever changed. Before this trip, church for me was a stoic stand up, sit down, clap your hands a little and sing along with everyone else, while the BK believers danced wildly, sang loudly, shook tambourines and cried out in their faith! It was frightening and exciting and connected me to a place of release and freedom for my faith. I realized in full - for the first time - that heaven won't look like my little Baptist congregation (not that there's anything wrong with a little Baptist confeegation, per se). It will be filled with people from all over the world - white, black, brown, yellow and every hue in between. Languages will be strange, but we will understand each other. The celebration will go on forever and the singing will never end.
2Let Israel be glad in his Maker; Let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King. 3Let them praise His name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre. ~Psalm 149:2-3
Praise Him today and pray for those who are lost. The children and young people involved in sex trafficking may not look like you (although they might). They may not be in your backyard (although if you are in Atlanta, they might be). Yet, they are like you - wonderfully created and worthy of our prayers, intervention and love. Be faithful. Be healthy!
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