
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Compounding Interest

I love the start of a new year.  It's like a blank sheet of paper.  An unpainted canvas.  Clean sheets.  Okay, you get my drift.  Starting fresh each year is a beautiful thing.  Of course, we could start each day like this if we one day at a time, leaving yesterday there and not reaching too far ahead into tomorrow - we could actually enjoy each day in and of itself.  Love that thought and it's part of my plan for this year.

For many years, I've worked to live one day at a time.  We only have this one day after all.  Once the day is closed, we cannot undo what has been done.  There is no returning to yesterday to relive a moment, change an outcome, or keep from sticking our foot into our mouths (or at least I can't).  Likewise, we can plan for tomorrow, but there is only the illusion of control.  The truth is that we cannot truly control tomorrow's happenings.  There are always unknowns that will impact what happens tomorrow.  We won't know about those things until we get there.  Better to stay fully present in today, making good choices, and breathing in the smell of this flower before it wilts and is gone.

Of course, there is the compounding interest effect.  While we can't control tomorrow...we can influence it.  Making consistent healthy choices day after day, year after year, is like saving pennies per day and their compounding interest that leads to a comfortable tomorrow.  Little daily inputs lead to much reward.  There's no way to avert illness, challenges, or unfortunate circumstances completely, but by making small positive deposits into your "health bank account" each day, you can be better prepared for tomorrow - while at the same time enjoying them today!  Wow...profound, I know. 

Seriously, small daily habits can make all the difference.  Here are a few to consider incorporating every day of 2014 (one day at a time, of course):
  • Start your day by reading scripture or inspiration - just 5 minutes.  You have 5 minutes.
  • Take time to breathe deeply, meditating and praying with thanksgiving.  Give yourself the gift of 5 minutes for this in the middle of the day.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast.  Need not be elaborate.  Boiled egg, sliced orange, yogurt, and piece of whole grain toast with PB.
  • Make a conscious effort to call or visit in person with a loved one; you will both benefit.
  • Stretch for 5-10 minutes at the end of the day.
Try incorporating these into your day today, tomorrow, each day.  The impact may not feel huge today, but it will add up.  Imagine if you did these five things each day for a year!  More peace.  Lower blood pressure.  Healthier body weight.  Deeper connections.  Improved flexibility and balance.  What would you add to this list?  Be healthy!

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