My friend Karen used to say,
Sherry, you can start your day over anytime you like. It's advice I've taken time and again in my life. Whether to restart a day, a week, month, career...whatever. Now I'm applying it to my blogging. I'm beginning again. New address (URL), same me. My friend also used to say,
no matter where you go there you are. Ha! Translation: you can move, but not away from yourself. More than anything, my friend helped me learn that everything we do is done one step, one decision, one day at a time.
I would like to source this, but I have no idea where I got it. Sorry! |
As I begin (this blog) again, my life is different and I have so much to share! In August, my Sweetheart and I welcomed a new little one into our lives with the birth of our first child, baby G. He's the joy of my days and a happy, healthy, bouncing baby boy. Growing like crazy and we're learning as we go. Some of my posts will be about him.
They say
a baby changes everything and boy is it true! My life is very different than it ever has been before. My schedule is...well, unpredictable. I'm in new territory, learning to care for every need of another person. My body is different after growing a little human being and then birthing him into the world. I'm emotionally more raw and sensitive than I can ever remember. (New mommas, can I get an Amen?!) Even my thoughts and feelings on nutrition have changed a lot. From the time I found out I was pregnant, I began to be even more careful and thoughtful about what I eat. Some things that never bothered me before suddenly became unacceptable foods to eat. I'll be sharing bunches of that here, I'm sure.
About 1/2 way, full term, and about 6 weeks post-baby! |
Finally, I've got a new job. Or rather...and old job. Mommying is now my #1 job! Now, I know my friends who work outside the home mommy their children as their most important job too, so don't get me wrong. What I mean is that it's the job that takes my days and nights nearly 24/7. I decided not to return to my (wonderful) job in marketing for a commodity board, but instead to cut back my hours and work contract so that I could work from home most of the time, devoting myself more fully to daily being a hands-on mom. After all, at nearly 40, I waited a long time to get this job - I want to enjoy every moment. Balancing being Mommy with being Dietitian Sherry will be an important topic.
Serious multitasking happening here. |
Let's review...what can you expect from this blog?
- Posts about all things baby - breastfeeding, sleeping (or not), scheduling, introducing solids (coming soon!), cloth diapering, skincare, getting your body back, etc. etc. Want to know a secret? Sometimes I feel clueless too, but I'll share what I'm learning.
- What to eat - and NOT eat - and how to select, prepare, and get your family to eat nutritious and delicious foods. This is no tease, I'm serious. My green-vegetable-averse husband eats nearly everything I prepare for him. I'll share my secrets!
- Balance - how the heck do I do it all? I don't, but together we'll talk about how to do what we can and do it well. This includes faith, basic husband care, balancing baby, home and career. Confession? I don't have this all figured out either, but I'm learning to give myself grace, pray for guidance and lean into the supports God has placed around me.
- Random nutrition stuff - I love nutrition (and food). My areas of special interest include food allergies, digestive health, vegetarianism (or flexitarianism), the microbiome/probiotics, and really delicious, healthy cooking. Tune in for regular doses of nutrition randomness.
So that's it. My weekly, semi-daily, regular dietary confessions. Hope you will make this blog a regular part of your day as I regularly share my heart and whatever wisdom I've been given. Be healthy!
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