
Friday, November 29, 2013

The Day After

How are you this morning?  Sitting in a sea of regret?  Beating yourself up for overeating or overdoing it?  Or are you comfortable with the idea that you may have splurged yesterday, but it's just one day?  Were you loving and patient with yourself and others?  Did you get to the end of the day and feel like it was a total blur, like you couldn't remember any meaningful conversations?

Life is one day at a time.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is too.  The only useful thing about looking back at yesterday is as a means to determine what we can do differently to help us get where we want to be tomorrow.  If you weren't as successful in maintaining self-control, exhibiting patience and a loving attitude, or in enjoying the moments with friends, family and loved ones, take a moment to consider what happened.  Here are some useful questions:
  • How did I feel most of the day?  Perhaps you were consumed by preparations, stressed about the crowd (even if it was your family!), dreading the temptation of all that food, or anxious about what your great aunt Mildred was going to say about your weight/dating/home/etc.  Be honest with yourself.
  • What actions made me feel most proud?  What do I regret?
  • How did I prepare for the day?  Did you make plans, pray, and ask for help?
  • What can I do differently next time?
Perhaps you had a wonderful day, where you enjoyed the time spent and were mindful about the purpose of the day.  Great!  Congratulations on a peaceful day.  If you weren't, take some time to  consider what you can do differently to achieve that next time.  And then spend some time today unwinding, relaxing and breathing.  The holiday season can be so hectic.  Be intentional about finding rest and purpose in it.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls. ~Matthew 11:29

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