Are you the patient sort? If you are and your in my life, oh my goodness thank you. I've needed so much of it these days, as I've been short tempered and so, so forgetful. Lack of sleep and distraction combine to make me forget the most simple and the most important things - doctor's appointments, birthday parties, and milk. If you've been on the receiving end of that recently, thank you for your patience. I hope to regain my brain again in about 18 years. Hang in there with me.
As for me...I am not especially patient. I've gotten better, but inside me is still a little impatient toddler. I know that it's true about me. Here's what else I know. Impatience is not loving. It is not kind. It is not conducive to wellness and peace. To me, impatience is really about arrogance and pride. It says, "I'm so important that you wasting my time (even when I don't have anywhere else in particular to be) makes me angry. When you ask that same question again it makes me frustrated with you, and (perhaps) doubt your intelligence" Of course, no one would admit that this is what's on their mind and they may not even realize it - I don't always realize it. Yet, I find myself on the giving and receiving end of this attitude more often than I would care to admit.
More than anything, it does not reflect the love of Jesus, which is so essential to me in my life. I know that I don't do it well, but my goal really is to love others so that they can see Him.
A hundred years ago I was a bartender and I used to say, you never know what someone's been through before they got to me, so I'm going to be nice to everyone who comes to my bar. (Another Harvey quote: "No one ever brings anything small into a bar." E.P. Dowd) Whether your bar-tending, cashiering, car pooling, or mommying - whatever you're doing - this truth remains: People need patience with others and with themselves. At this time of year, especially. Today, I'm going to practice patience and invite you to join me. One moment at a time. Be healthy!
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