I've learned a lot about how to care for a baby, how to function on very little sleep, even how to juggle laundry, dinner, and nursing a newborn. I'm still learning how to care for a mommy. After such a crazy week, I practiced a little self-care. If you're not familiar with the concept, it basically means that I did some things that had no purpose except to make me smile, feel good, and relax. Novel concept, huh?! We mommys are notorious for taking care of everyone else. The truth is that we have to take care of ourselves in order to be able to take care of others well. I enlisted the help of my favorite aunt to care for Baby G for a few hours so that I could do that. It doesn't have to be an expensive spa day, although that would be awe-some. It can just be indulging in s-l-o-w-l-y enjoying some of your favorite things. Being mindful and present in your/my life. Here's how I did it.
I drank a latte. Even though I made it myself, it was a treat.
Real foamed whole milk and cinnamon - didn't spare anything and I drank it slowly. |
I went shopping. By. My. Self. |
Bought this cute Anthropologie sweater - perfect with a chunky black belt, tights or leggings and boots - for a steal. |
And this denim jacket (ignore the pants and imagine it with something way cuter). |
I went outside and stood in the sunshine. |
And took a brisk walk. |
Then, I listened to my baby babble and laugh and I kissed him all over his face. |
I took some time to breathe and remember that life is one day at a time. Today is good. Whenever today is. How will you take care of yourself today?
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:34
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